Sunday, March 4, 2018

Defend the cause of the orphan

How can we defend the cause of orphans?  The problem seems SO big, and we seem so small.  Even when I was trying to research statistics on orphans, I was overwhelmed by the different statistics I found.  First of all, I found that when UNICEF states that there are 150+ million orphans in the world, they are referring to children who have lost at least one parent - they may live with their surviving parent.  So that large number may not refer to orphans in the way we think of orphans.  Also, there is a lot of evil surrounding the good that people try to do - check out this article about orphanages in Haiti.

So what can we do?  

  • Educate yourself.  Don't give to a cause without doing your research.  If you want to find something you can do as a family - sponsor a child through World Vision.  While that child might have parents, you are still making a major difference in the life of a child.  
  • Think local.  Don't forget that there are children in foster care in your own community.  You can do SO much to support these kids. 
    • Attend an information session at your local Department of Family and Children Services.  This will give you information about the foster care system in your area and ways you can get involved.  You may choose to become a foster parent, provide support to existing foster parents, or donate items that are needed.  
    • Google "Foster Care Support" to find foster support organizations in your area.  You do not have to be a foster parent to support children in foster care.  
    • Check out organizations such as Promise686 that help churches support foster families.
  • Support the health and well-being of children as a whole.  
    • Support legislation that cares for children - both at home and around the world.  
    • Call a local school and pay for the overdue lunch charge for a student. 
    • Join a mentorship program or volunteer with an organization that works with kids in your town - all children can benefit from additional positive adult role models!  

The rest of the Isaiah 1:17 series:

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