Friday, February 23, 2018

Help the Oppressed

To be OPPRESSED is to be exploited or systematically harmed by others.  People who have no freedom are oppressed.  Yesterday was the End It Movement's Shine a Light on Slavery day.  You may have seen people who had a red X on their hand yesterday.  The purpose of that X was to bring attention to the issue of slavery.  It is an issue that most of us find uncomfortable to discover still exists, and our privilege allows us to push it out of our mind.  However, for those who are affected by slavery, they don't have that ability. But what can we do?  The problem seems overwhelming, and far removed, and impossible to solve.  I don't have all the answers (or any of the answers, really) but here's a short list of things we can do to help those who are enslaved.

Educate yourself.  Find out the statistics.  Find out who is working to fight for freedom.  Imagine that - a library lady telling you to do research!  But until you understand the problem, you won't be concerned with helping to find a solution.  Here is a place to start your research:  Modern Day Slavery: The Facts (International Justice Mission)

Speak out.  Once you have learned about the problem - tell others.  (help raise awareness) Here are some things you can do:
Understand how we contribute to the problem:  
Donate to organizations working around the world to rescue slaves as well as bring justice and restoration.  
Learn to do good.  Seek justice.  Help the oppressed.  Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for rights of widows.  ~ Isaiah 1:17

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