Thursday, March 8, 2018

International Women's Day - Fight for the rights of widows

Today, on International Women's Day, I felt like it was appropriate to finish up my look at Isaiah 1:17 - Fight for the rights of widows.

I believe that it isn't a far stretch to expand this to include all women - especially those who are disenfranchised for whatever reason.

  • We should fight for the right of all girls to attend school. 
  • We should fight for the right of women to have opportunities and options outside of the slums or sex trade. 
  • We should fight for the right of women to live free from a life of domestic violence. 
  • We should fight for the right of women to have adequate maternal and and infant health care. 
  • We should fight for the right of women to be free from sexual violence and harassment. 
  • We should fight for the right of girls to be free from the burden of child marriage. 
Basically, we should fight for the rights of ALL girls to have the rights we want our own daughters to have.  It isn't hard to decide WHAT we should do, I think it is just hard to discover HOW to do it.  

So here are some ideas: 

Find good organizations to support.  CARE is a great organization that focuses on raising women out of poverty around the world.  

Support businesses that support women through fair trade practices.  One business that actively does this is Trades of Hope.  It is their mission to empower women out of poverty. And because of this opportunity for sustainable business through selling ethically made jewelry and accessories, these women are able to support their families and send their children to school! It is also a company that allows people like you and me to partner with them as Compassionate Entrepreneurs and help to market the products of these artisans from all over the world, and through the 11th, they are giving you the opportunity to become a part of this great mission for just $5!  Please let me know if you want more information about how you can directly impact the lives of women!  

There are so many ways to support women - both in your community and throughout the world!  Find one that speaks to you and go make a difference in our world!  

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