Wednesday, April 11, 2018

What I'm Reading Wednesday - Rhinestone Jesus

I'm right in between two great books borrowed from an even greater friend!  I just finished Rhinestone Jesus by Kristen Welch and I'm starting One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.

Confession:  I knew of the blog We are THAT Family and I had heard of Fair Trade Friday boxes, but that was pretty much the extent of my background knowledge of Kristen Welch.  I am not a regular reader of her blog so I didn't know much of her story.  This book is about how she started a maternity home for teen girls in Kenya - with a journey of a thousand steps that started with just one yes.  Which led to another, and then another.

I really liked this book.  I enjoyed hearing the behind the scenes stories of starting a ministry like that - it was real and didn't just gloss it all over to show only the good parts.  I liked hearing about the girls that Mercy House works with, and I think it is awesome that they found a way to support their ministry while also empowering women around the world by selling their products.  They partner with many of the same artisans that Trades of Hope partners with, and I love seeing these products being shared with even more people!

I would highly recommend this book!  I will be looking for her 2nd book Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World, and I have already preordered the book Raising World-Changers in a Changing World.

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