Wednesday, October 17, 2018

What I'm Reading Wednesday - Mother Knows Best

It's no secret that I love Disney, so I am loving the idea of all of the fairy tale books in young adult literature!  Serena Valentino has a great series all about villains - it gives the villains back story to explain why and how they became the bad guy!

The first Villains book that I read was The Beast Within - all about the Beast from Beauty and the Beast - and I really enjoyed it.  It was an easy read that I thought came up with a very original, but believable back story for the Beast.  Since reading that book, I have made sure that my library had the entire collection.  I grabbed Mother Knows Best (about Mother Gothel from Rapunzel) randomly to read on our recent trip.

It was a good story, but not as easy as a read.  By the end I was simply confused about some of the characters and then I read the cover jacket which stated that the books needed to be read in a certain order.  Well that explained a lot!  Mother Knows Best is the most recent book in the series of 5 books - they are designed to be read in this order: Fairest of All, The Beast Within, Poor Unfortunate Soul, Mistress of All Evil, and Mother Knows Best.  

I will definitely be going back to the first book and reading these in order so that I can better understand the characters that are woven through all of the books!  Check out all of the books and more fairy tale retellings on my Amazon list! 

Who is your favorite Disney villain?

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