Sunday, July 1, 2018

Writing and Editing your Life Story: Wasting Time

Maybe it is because I'm approaching middle age, maybe it's a mid-life crisis, I don't know, but this quote has become quite important to me lately.  It is so easy to just float along in life and not be proactive about how you want to live.  Superfluous things that don't matter slip in and if you aren't careful, you can find yourself going from day to day without doing much of anything.  Television, apps, games, and social media can all suck up your time like a sponge, and offer very little in return.

While it isn't easy, I'm finding I have to constantly edit my life to stay on course.  I don't do a great job of it, because it is so much easier to get sucked into mindless scrolling, swiping, and generally checking out of life.  I was reminded of this just this week when I re-downloaded the game Disney Emoji Blitz on my phone.  I deleted it many months ago because it was such a time waster and I became quite addicted to it.  Somehow I felt that this time would be different?  Well it isn't, so again it gets deleted.

So now I'm inspired to clean off more time wasters from my phone and my life.  It's hard to be proactive about living the life you want when you don't have time to even think about what that would look like.  

What time wasters do you need to eliminate from your life?  

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