Friday, July 20, 2018

How to support your network marketing friends

I do not want to buy products or join a business, but I would still like to support my friend.  What can I do?
Ask your friend how you can support them.  If you are not interested in the product or joining a business, BE HONEST with them - but also let them know you would like to find other ways to be supportive.  I promise they will appreciate both the honesty and the support!

Support their social media presence.  If they have a Facebook business page, like it.  If they have a Facebook group, join it.  If they have an Instagram account, follow it.  LIKE things they post.  If something is relevant to share, share it on your own accounts. If you use the same product they sell but buy it from someone else - who cares?  Like and comment on their posts just like you are buying it from them.  No one else knows this, and even if you have another consultant, your friend will appreciate the online support. 

Host a party.  If your friend's business is run through parties, host one.  Have some friends over for a fun night or invite friends to an online party.  It doesn't cost you anything, and it may give you some free product rewards!

Be a referral source.  If you know someone who would be interested in the products your friends offers, make the referral and connect them!  Texting or facebook messenger makes it easy to start a group conversation, and then you can leave once you have made your introductions.
That's it!  4 easy ways you can support your friends who may be working a side hustle! 

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