Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Disneybounding through Dressember

We are only 2 months from Dressember!!!  Now, that sentence might create some questions for you, so let me try to answer some of them for you. 

Slavery still exists?  

Yes, it does!  Slavery is the use of lies or violence to force another person to work for little or no pay.  This can exist in the form of sexual slavery, human trafficking, forced labor, police brutality, debt bondage, forced marriage, and property grabbing.  There are up to an estimated 40 million people trapped in modern day slavery today. 

How does Dressember make a difference? 

We seek to be part of not only the rescue of modern-day slavery victims but also their path to justice and restoration as well.  The money that advocates (such as myself) raise provides vital resources and funds that those working on the front lines need in order to bring rescue, justice, and restoration. 

That sounds awesome, I'm in! What can I do? 

There are several ways you can be involved - first of all, you can become an advocate yourself!  I have a Disneybounding team, and I'd love for you to join us!  We will be following a month long Disneybound challenge - all in dresses (or ties!) 

Not interested in wearing a dress every day?  No problem, you can still be involved and donate to Dressember.  Every amount will make a difference!  For just $20 you can provide an after care kit - a package of basic, necessary essentials to make a survivor of trafficking feel loved and cared for after transitioning out of their exploitation. 

If you are a Disneybounder you don't have to join our Dressember team to participate in our monthly challenge - join us and help us spread the word about our campaign, and have fun doing it! 

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