Wednesday, September 12, 2018

5 ways to be an encourager

Today is the National Day of Encouragement, so I wanted to share 5 simple ways to be a more encouraging person!

  1. Smile. A smile may be a simple gesture, but it means a lot.  When you pass people, look them in the eye and smile.  If someone is coming to talk to you, greet them with a smile.  Make the effort to smile when you see your kids or your spouse.  I think we often have a tendency to save our grumpiness for our families (I know I do!), but they deserve our encouragement most of all.  
  2. Say thank you.  When someone does something for you, thank them.  Be grateful for the things people do, even if it is expected.  Send thank you notes.  It is my new goal to tell 5 people thank you every day.  
  3. Give compliments.  If you admire something about someone - tell them!  If you like someone's outfit, tell them.  Don't keep compliments to yourself.  Pay attention to the names of people that give great service and let their bosses know about it.  If your waiter is excellent, ask for the manager and tell them what a great job he did.  Shout out great customer service on social media.  Look for the good in people, and then compliment it!  
  4. If you think of someone, reach out to them.  If someone is on your mind, there may be a reason.  Send them a message or even better, pick up the phone and give them a call.  Let them know you were thinking about them!  (It's always nice to know that people are thinking of us!)  You may find that they are going through something and need someone to reach out to them!  
  5. Give gifts.  If you see something that makes you think of someone, and you can afford it, get it for them!  Bring your coworker their favorite candy bar.  Send in a favorite soft drink to your child's teacher!  Even small gestures like these can make a big impact - even if it just lets the person know you were thinking about them!  This one does not come naturally to me, but I feel like it is an important way to encourage someone so I am trying to be better at it.  One way you can do this if you aren't a natural gift giver is to make a list of 3 people that you will give a gift to each month - or each week - whichever works best for you! 
So there you have it, 5 easy ways to encourage people.  Who will you encourage today??

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