Saturday, August 18, 2018

What I Wore to Disney - Summer edition

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There are 3 things you must know when you are planning a trip to Disney World during the summer:
  1. It's hot.  Like really hot.  
  2. It's crowded.  For some reason millions of other people brave the heat to come to Disney during the summer.  
  3. It rains EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.  While it rains in Central Florida pretty often, you are guaranteed a rainstorm during the summer.  While this doesn't completely ruin you trip, it does provide an additional challenge when planning your day.  
So, now to the important part of trip planning - what to wear.  Here is what I wore to Disney for our summer trip and the pros and cons of each outfit.  

Sundress with crocs. 
Hair in "Minnie" buns.
This was a lovely outfit choice for me. Probably my favorite of the trip. The dress was cool and comfortable, and crocs are my favorite choice for Disney footwear. They are comfortable and it doesn't matter if they get wet. This was also my best hairstyle of the week as it was up and off of my neck!

Sundress with crocs. (again)
Hair in braids.
Scarf around neck.   
Okay, this sundress and shoes were a good choice.  The hair was okay - off of my neck, and I felt cute. The neckerchief was a fashion choice (as I was bounding as Jessie), but it was also practical as I wet it in the water fountain during the day to keep cool.

Hair in ponytail with a scarf.
This outfit was okay, but the scarf was a fail.  As cute as it was (in my opinion), it wouldn't quite stay on  (I nearly lost it on Space Mountain) - so it was tied around my neck for most of the afternoon.  
 The real fashion win in this picture is my 4 year old's COTTON Princess dress. Soft, cool, and comfortable.  And available here!

Skirt with tank top and bolero cardigan
Hair down but pulled back. 
This is probably my least favorite outfit that I wore, even though I was excited to bound as Jasmine at Epcot.  It was just one of those days where I wasn't 100% comfortable in my outfit. 

My Disney Clothing Tips
  1. Wear what you are comfortable in.  A day at Disney is not a time to try out a new style.  
  2. Find comfortable shoes.  Kadee flats from Crocs are my go-to.  I don't have to worry about wet socks and shoes if it rains, and they are comfy!  I have them in brown, black, and navy.  (Pro tip:  Make sure you are wearing the same color shoe on both feet!)
  3. Have a rain poncho.  I didn't want to have one that went over my head, so I found this one, and bonus!  It's navy polka dot!! (You can also get it in other colors.) 

So, what would be your Disney fashion tips?  What is YOUR favorite thing to wear to the parks? 

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