Friday, August 31, 2018

How to cure the "I don't have anything to wear!" syndrome!

How often do you stare into your closet in despair, thinking "I have nothing to wear!!"

How often are there heaps of clothes on your bed where you have put on clothes and then rejected them, changing multiple times in the morning?

What if I told you that I had a solution to that??  Would you be interested?

I used to have many mornings where I couldn't find anything to wear and I left for work feeling uncomfortable and unhappy, definitely not the way you want to start your day!  

So here is my fool-proof guide to always having something to wear:  

1.  Find 3-5 outfits each season that fit the following criteria:  

  • They feel good on you.  The outfit must fit well and be comfortable.  Nothing too tight or too loose, and nothing that bunches or pulls or gaps.  Things you can breathe and move in.  For me, this generally means an elastic waist skirt or a dress.  
  • You feel good IN it.  It doesn't have to be runway fashion, but something that makes you feel pulled together and confident.  
  • It does not have to be ironed.  This is a very important criteria because even if something fits well and looks good, if it needs ironing, that isn't going to help you on a busy morning when you are searching for something to wear quickly.  For example, I love my linen pants, but they are not on this list for me because they may not be ready when I need them.  

2.  Document them.  You can do this in one of several ways. These are my suggestions:

  • Use an app.  I love the Stylebook app that allows you to catalog your clothing and create outfits.  It is a bit time consuming (okay a lot time consuming) at the beginning when you are taking pictures of your clothes, but it makes planning outfits SO much easier - you can even add outfits to a calendar or create a packing list!  
This is one of my "go-to" outfits as shown in the Stylebook app.
Note that I include jewelry and shoes -
so I don't have to think about that when I'm getting dressed!  

  • Create flat lays.  I love looking at "flat lays" on Instagram or Pinterest - they look clean and fresh - it may help you see your clothing in a new light!  It doesn't haven't to be perfect, but it does need to show all parts of the outfit - accessories and shoes included!  
My flat lay of the same outfit.  

  • The last thing you can do is just take a picture of you in the outfit, and then you can save or print the photo as in the option above.  You don't have to look great - just show the whole outfit - but if you look and feel good, it will probably be a pretty good picture.  A mirror selfie would work too as long as you can see all the pieces of your outfit!  

A photo of you in the outfit can serve as your documentation as well.  

3.  Gather the documentation of your outfits into one place.  If you have the Stylebook app, you can put them in a favorites folder (see my example below).  If you took pictures (either of you or a flat lay), you can either keep them saved in an easily accessible folder on your phone or print them out.  I would suggest you print them out and post them in or near your closet so you can see them on days when you are standing in front of your closet and nothing is jumping out at you to wear.

I am going to continue to add outfits to this folder
so that I have several for each season and for different occasions.  

What clothing item would DEFINITELY be on your favorites list???

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