Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Jesus Wept

Today was a long summer day with the kids.  By bedtime I was done.
All I wanted was a few minutes of peace and to be by myself.
I was aggravated and frustrated and just wanted my children to GO TO SLEEP.

And then I thought about the parents who are separated from their children tonight.

And I wept.
I wept for my own bad attitude and impatience.
I wept for the parents.
I wept for the children.
I wept for our country and our world.

And then I remembered that Jesus wept.
He wept for Lazarus.
He wept for Jerusalem.

And as much as my heart is breaking, I believe that God's heart is breaking as well.
Because He could care less about our politics or borders.
He cares about PEOPLE . . . all people.
And so should we.


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