Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Reflections on pregnancy - the 2nd time around

I have discovered that being pregnant is a completely different experience the 2nd time around.
  1. During my first pregnancy, I read everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, about pregnancy, childbirth, newborns, etc.  This time I barely read the updates on my pregnancy app from week to week.  
  2. During my first pregnancy, I knew exactly how far along I was - nearly to the day.  This time, I'm not quite sure. (Although in my defense, my due date was changed early on, so I started off confused.)
  3. During my first pregnancy, I took pregnancy pictures weekly to document my growing belly. This time, I'm lucky if I remember to take a picture every couple of weeks.  
  4. During my first pregnancy, I'm pretty sure I completely slept through my first trimester.  This time, although I went to bed as early as possible, naps were not as much of an option.  
  5. I'm only 22 weeks, and I'm already tired of maternity clothes.  The excitement wears off much faster after the first time.  (Although many women aren't really "showing" until now, I've been wearing maternity clothes for about 12 weeks already!)
  6. On a positive note, I felt this baby move much earlier in the pregnancy. :)
  7. The biggest difference is that the first time we kept the gender a mystery and got to hear "It's a Boy!" at birth.  This time we have already found out that we will be having a girl.  (More to come on the differences between finding out and not finding out later . . . I have LOTS of thoughts on this topic.)
  8. So far the pregnancy has gone MUCH faster this time around - not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.  We still have a lot to do to be "ready" for the baby to be here! 

Right now I am just trying to enjoy this "prime time" of pregnancy - I'm well into my second trimester and I really look and feel pregnant - but I still look and feel pretty good.  From experience I know that the third trimester is just around the corner and as big as I am now, I know I'm going to be colossal by the time this is all over!  :) 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to you all! A GIRL! How special and exciting! You look wonderful. The seccond time around seems more relaxed which in my opinion seems better. Enjoy! XO


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