Sunday, June 5, 2011

Baby Essentials - Volume 1

So, I'm not that experienced of a Mom, having only been one for 3 weeks, but I have found a few products that we have found to be indispensable.  Enough of my friends are pregnant that I thought I would share these products in a blog.  :)

aden + anais swaddles - These blankets are GREAT!  They are lightweight for swaddling, which is especially great for summer in Georgia.  Castiél loves being swaddled and sleeps much better when he is; however, we were using flannel or heavy cotton blankets that were quite hot.  We found these blankets and they are perfect.  They are large enough to double over for sufficient swaddling, and they are super soft.  They can also be used for a number of other uses, such as a nursing cover (although I haven't used them for that - they are a bit thin, not too sure about that!), burp cloth, stroller cover, and any other use you can come up with for a soft blanket.

Boppy nursing pillow -- I almost didn't put this one here becuase it seems like a no-brainer.  It seems like everyone gets these now.  But because it has been an indispensable item, I will include it.  My Boppy (I also got the waterproof cover to put under the printed one) has spent more time around my middle than anywhere else.  As a nursing pillow it is great.  I think it would also be great for those not breastfeeding as it would still give support for your arms and the baby while you fed him a bottle.  We also use it to put the baby on by putting his bottom in the middle and leaning him against the back.  Once we begin tummy time (when his umbilical cord falls off), we will probably prop him up on the Boppy the other way, with his tummy down, but his head raised. Also, the Boppy was used in our newborn picture session!  :)

Baby Einstein Music -- Castiél LOVES music.  It calms him down, the lullabies help him sleep, and he enjoys listening to the more upbeat music when he is awake.  This 100 song collection is a great price, especially since the regular CDs are at least $7-$10 each at the store.

Medela Lanolin Creme - lanolin is a MUST if you are breastfeeding, and I have two different types.  I bought the Lansinoh Lanolin creme before having Castiél, and then the hospital provided me with this Medela Lanolin creme.  I like the Medela creme much better as it is thinner and easier to apply - especially when you are sore!

Lansinoh Nursing Pads - I have used two different brands of nursing pads, the Lansinoh and the Medela.  I like the Lansinoh brand much better.  Not exactly sure why, they seem smoother under clothes and softer as well.

Bouncer seat -- I was not sure that a bouncy seat would be a good investment.  I just didn't know if it would be used much.  However, I can already say I am glad I have it.  The vibrating setting is calming and it is nice to have somewhere to put Castiél when he is awake where he can look around and interact.  I shopped around a LOT for this item because most of them are really ugly or bulky.  I liked this Infantino one the best simply because it was cute and I liked the retro pattern.  So far we have been really pleased with it.

Moby Wrap -- this is a great item.  To be honest, I haven't used it much because I haven't had time to perfect it's use, but I used it one morning when Castiél was particularly fussy before we had an appointment and it allowed me to put on makeup AND keep him happy!  :)  There is even a way to wrap the baby so you can breastfeed in it.  I am looking forward to using this a lot in the future - I just need more practice at putting it on!

Chicco front carrier -- I know Baby Bjorn is the standard in front carriers, but we chose this one based on both price and the product.  I really liked that there was a "bib" built in to keep baby drool from ending up on your clothes.  We bought this carrier predominantly for Carlos, although I may use it as the baby gets bigger.  He has already used it around the house a few times and it is great -- the baby was calm and fell asleep.

Bright Starts Links -- I have to admit that I had no idea what these were, but I got them as a gift.  I am so glad I did, and I think everyone should register for them!  They are useful for linking toys to bouncers, car seats, etc.  There isn't much more to say about them, but they are one of those little things that make a big difference!  :)

Soothie pacifiers -- This was the pacifier supplied for us in the hospital, and Castiél likes it and it didn't cause any nipple confusion.  We got a couple more to have in different places in the house.

Baby 411 Guidebook -- I was given this book by a colleague who was also a recent new mom.  It is a GREAT book that is simple to read and understand and has updated information.  A must have for every new parent!!!

Pampers Swaddlers -- This is our favorite type of diaper.  We actually registered for Huggies before having the baby, but after using samples of both Pampers and Huggies, we found that Pampers were much better.

Batteries-- they don't have to be Duracell, but register for batteries - toys, bouncer seats, and many other items will need them!  I didn't think about that and have had to go and buy batteries!

Swaddleme -- These are great if you are not good at swaddling blankets or if your baby is a wiggler.  They are easy to use, and the legs can be easily removed for diaper changes without unwrapping the entire baby.  Castiél is now able to get his arms out of this one, but other than that it is great!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool . . . you are already such an experienced mom! :) I will start cutting out Pampers coupons. They are really the best! We usually used Luvs just to save money, but whenever I used Huggies, they leaked! I wish I had realized when Madeleine was little that I could put her in the front pack/wrap when I was AT HOME and maybe she'd have been less fussy! I considered it just something to use when going out so I wouldn't have to lug the infant carrier. Oh, well! Live and learn!


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