My office, soon to be the nursery, has my "nap bed" and some of the books:
You can tell a nap has been recently taken! :)
I have a book by the couch in the living room:
And here are where most of our books are housed (in the living room):
On another shelf in the living room, another book (that is borrowed) sits waiting to be read:
(Note the hat -
I could probably do a similar post about how we have
my husband's hats all over the house!)
Another shelf in the living room - it houses mostly records (yes, we have a record player!) and movies, but there are some books there as well:
(See the additional hats!)
I keep my Bible in my bedroom on a shelf (that I built in high school, by the way):
I even keep a book in the car (this happens to be our current small group study) to read aloud to my husband when we are driving around:
I also have a crate full of books that need have a home found for them:
Finally, I have started to gather my own books from childhood to build the new baby's first library:
I suppose we would save a lot of space in our house if we got a Kindle
LOVE this post! I may steal your idea! :) And I just finished the third book in the Percy Jackson series - I LOVE them! Also, someone recommended Parenting With Love and Logic to me, too! I need to get it. I really like that you've already got some books for the baby! Ahead of the game! :)