Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What I Wore Wednesday: 20 weeks

Well, I haven't linked up with the Pleated Poppy in a couple of weeks, so today I thought I would take some extra effort to look nice so I would have at least one picture to post for this week's WIWW.  Since I've been on Christmas break, it's been hard to get too motivated to look cute.  And definitely too hard to remember to take pictures if I do!

I especially wanted to share today's outfit because I am loving the felt flower pin my sister made and gave me for Christmas!

Since it's so cold, I'm trying to learn how to wear leggings (which seem to be a maternity staple) and not look like a 13-year-old girl.

I also thought I'd share a picture of our Christmas tree, since it's still Christmas around here.  Actually, it's only the 5th day of Christmas according to the 12 Days of Christmas.  We celebrate Three Kings Day with my husband's family, so our Christmas celebrations are not over (and our decorations are not down) until January 6th each year.  I enjoy the prolonged season.  After the hustle and bustle of getting to Christmas, we actually have time to sit and enjoy the season, family, and reflect on the meaning of it all:  Jesus's birth.

1 comment:

  1. I love the flower pin, it is really cute. Lovechecking out WWIW on her blog. Makes me want to makeover a bit on my wardrobe.


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